What is “Habitat Ressource” ?
A place of living that awakens your senses and connects you to your energy source.
The secret?
A holistic vision of the project, a sensitive and conscious approach, principle of inspiration and value. Innovation for finding the best of natural and human elements.
Is that possible in all cases?
Of course! Whatever your craving and project.
Is it the right time for me?
Of course! It is always the right time for a harmony between your "deep need" and your habitat.
inspired by my encounter with Nature, her teaching and her beauty, we will create together. And to guide us, the "design-synergy"
What is "Design-synergy"?
I see design as the overall approach to the habitat project. I integrate all the stages: the idea, observation, analysis, conception, creation, implementation, use and life.
Synergy, meanwhile, is a force multiplied by each element acting in unison. For all the stages of the project, I build this combination. Each element (human, place, design, lines, materials, colours...) brings its uniqueness. This uniqueness is recognized both in a harmony, an alternation that structures and gives all the value to your habitat.
The Design Synergy offers a living space where the elements combine to give you all the strength you need.
Biophilia at the heart of Synergy Design
Biophilia is based on the innate relationship between humans and nature. Through the inclusion of natural forms in building design.
The art and design elements integrated harmoniously into the function of the building make it timeless elegance.
Biophilia acts as an accelerator of physiological and psychological well-being.
"Nature has no particular but universal purpose" Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Living in a place created according to the great principles of nature, allows harmony of body and mind.
Bioclimatic and ecology at the heart of
The design of the habitat allows to make the most of the contributions of the natural environment. Climate, sunshine, vegetation, soil, subsoil. Natural and healthy materials are used and implemented optimally. I call on committed experts who respond to the necessities of this vision.
Human permaculture at the heart of Synergy Design
Each actor brings his own strength. The multiple unicities complement each other in symbiosis. More complementary differences, it’s more resilience and the whole grow! The DNA of the project is a continuous inspiration of the living. The heart of the project beats to the rhythm of the teachings of nature. Concretely, it is an ecosystem, conscious of resources, nourished by the relations between all.
Tree of elements...
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It all starts with you and your place...
The time of imagination, creation, then realization
I propose a holistic vision: to offer you this place of life, I have developed an expertise by combining elements.
Like an orchestra leader: I give to each a presence and an alternation according to the energy that must be created.