Identification of your wishes needs and priorities.
Ecosystem integration
Site survey
Project areas and circulation
Advice and follow-up during project progress
Transcript of projections
Resilience and strength of proposals
Inspiration & mood boards
Biofilic board
Formalisation and overall project design
Design & visuals
Together, let’s go back in time, then plan ahead… Your residential journey, your project-specific aspirations
"Your place"
Through my observation, precise research, I list all the elements related to the current characteristics of the place.
I assemble and analyse them all and then create the synthesis "You and your place".
This document is the basis of Design-Synergy.
"Areas of use and flows"
Creation of the document "Spaces, circulations, uses" and essential points.
Creation of inspiration boards: these visuals concentrate the major elements of your project (materials, volumes, shapes, colours, furniture...). If each board has its uniqueness, the set allows to create the common thread and the link by bringing the overall vision of the project.
Creation of the biophilic board; visual of the natural elements that will enrich the Design-Synergy
Result of the synthesis of the previous elements and our exchanges, creation of the visuals that allow you to project concretely in the project (3D, tailor made...) Design-Synergy
Follow up
It is the sharing of information, coupled with active collaboration that promotes the success of the project. Made possible thanks to a wide expertise, my cooperation facilitates the transition from the idea to the realization.
If you choose to set up a human organization, my expertise allows me to integrate perfectly, by deepening the topics to be treated.
My only goal with you: that your habitat contributes to your well-being. Creating your healing habitat is my commitment.
Project Owner: You, who create the project and the one who makes the decisions.
Consultant: Me, for a global vision, strength of the proposal, link, creation, optimization, valuation, at each stage of the project
Actors of the realization: Architect, Decorator, Master-builder, Craftsmen
Value added
all project resources (financial, human and material)
all the technical elements that make up the project
Concerning third parties (Security, Legislation, Co-ownership)
Definition of uses and their evolution: Maintenance and Sustainability
Observation and analysis of points of vigilance, or problems
Search for suitable solutions
Proposals and resilience to completion